Thursday, May 15, 2014

Information about mp3 players and cameras while abroad

Chers Stagiaires,

Many of you have asked about what sorts of mp3 players and cameras you are permitted to bring with you on the program. In short, as long as your music player does not have access to the internet, you may bring it with you. A list of suggested French songs will be posted to the program blog, if you wish to download new French music before leaving for the program.

iPods are fine because they are music players only (and don’t access the internet)—but iPod touches are not. The Honor Code ( explicitly states that iPod touches are NOT allowed.

As for keeping the smart phones for a camera—the Honor Code also explicitly states that smart phones cannot be used as cameras. The reason for this is that we would like to encourage students to engage and interact with their host families and other stagiaires and do not want students to be tempted to use their phones in an unauthorized way (playing games, using apps or other programs when you are limited to 1 hour of internet access a week). Please make arrangements to take pictures or document your experience abroad with a device other than your phone.
We cannot make exceptions to these technological limitations. Remember, these limitations serve a purpose and are intended to aid you in immersing yourself in another culture without distractions from your life in the United States.
If you have any questions, please let us know by contacting either the instructors or by emailing us at
Thank you,
Team Brest

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